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Shikshantar Annual English Debate 2024-2025

Shikshantar Annual Intra-School English Debate was conducted by the Literary Committee on Thursday and Friday, 25th and 26th April 2024 for Classes IX to XII. The debate was conducted in two rounds. Round I took place in the respective groups with the English facilitators. The thought- provoking topics invited en masse participation in the first round. The topics were: The UN is ineffective and should be dissolved (IX), Science cannot coexist with religion (X), Art is above criticism (XI) and Good literature must question societal norms (XII). More than 150 children from the Senior School participated in the first round.
The second round was in the extempore format, the topics were, therefore, announced on the day of the debate and the participants were given one hour of preparation time, with no access to technology. The topics for the final round were: The concept of gender is a social construct (XI- XII) and Patriotism does more harm than good (IX-X). The young debaters spoke with passion and conviction, unraveling fine nuances and bringing forth fresh perspectives.

The award winners are as follows:

  Most Articulate Speaker for the Motion Most Articulate Speaker against the Motion
Class IX-X
  • Inaya Majumdar
  • Naisha Khanna
  • Samaira Angurala
  • Jasmeh Sodhi
Best Interjector
  • Akshat Mishra
  • Nakshatra Pratap
Class XI-XII
  • Sara Pant
  • Arya Pandey
  • Natasha Lakkaraju
  • Mannat Singh
  • Nikita Chakrabarty
  • Shaurya Tripathi
Best Interjector
  • Sara Pant
  • Aadya Bhardwaj