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Best School in Gurgaon, Shikshantar School

  • Open and inclusive spaces that reflect openness to learning.
  • Enduring respect for children as thinkers and explorers.
  • Structures and processes ‘led’ by children, experiential education, collaborative work and skilful feedback.
  • Choices with a purpose that define children as individuals far more than their abilities.
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Birds - Class VI

It was the onset of summer and children were busy with their summer plans. Talking of life skills for themselves, Class VI further immersed in understanding the impact of the sudden heat wave on the ecosystem. During their nature walk, children noticed the leaves pale and dull and the water drying up quickly. Among all the trees at Shikshantar, no birds could be heard or seen around .

They wondered: While birds have amazing life skills, how do they store food and create safe resting places to cope with this summer heat? Some suggested that there should be birdhouses at small intervals. All the birds would then have a place where both food and water were readily available on the branches where the birds rest all afternoon, waiting for the sun to go down.

Others suggested creating their own birdhouses using waste material. This was the inception of the most unique and versatile spaces for birds where the creativity of children reached its zenith before they left for their summer break.

Birds 2024
Birds 2024
Birds 2024
Birds 2024
Birds 2024
Birds 2024
Birds 2024
Birds 2024