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Best School in Gurgaon, Shikshantar School

  • Open and inclusive spaces that reflect openness to learning.
  • Enduring respect for children as thinkers and explorers.
  • Structures and processes ‘led’ by children, experiential education, collaborative work and skilful feedback.
  • Choices with a purpose that define children as individuals far more than their abilities.
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The Curated Collective

Four Pillars of Shikshantar, by Minoti Didi


The things that make me different are the things that make me, me.“

                                                                 -Piglet in Winnie the Pooh

 Occasionally, one brings an idea to life and it takes a life of its own, making one wonder if they founded the idea or the idea found them. Such was the case with Shikshantar– a progressive school in Gurgaon. Back in 2003, when we had envisaged Shikshantar- the name itself suggesting a paradigm shift in education, in many ways, it offered parents, educators and children something they wanted before they even knew they wanted it! The idea was to create experiential education in a space which helps children discover their swadharma- the ageless need to find purpose in one’s life. A place consciously designed for children, over the years, Shikshantar has become “a place where I can be me”- whereevery individual associated with it can truly be themselves.

The foundation of Shikshantar is based on our four core practices, which we call the Four Pillars of Shikshantar.  

Respect is the first pillar of Shikshantar. Every being is respected here- children and parents, of course, but also didis and bhaiyas, our animals, our trees, even our physical spaces. This respect is based on faith, not blind or misplaced faith, but a real conviction and understanding of children’s capabilities. It is based on empirical evidence and on real experiences. “We practise, therefore we believe” and not the other way around. Thus, faith and respect are the two wings of the bird of Shikshantar without which this bird cannot fly.








Compassion is our second pillar, through which we act out our faith and respect. Many a time, faith and respect at heart may not translate into actual, doable experiences- into acts of compassion. But at Shikshantar, compassion is acted out- for children, for environment, for our flowers, trees and shrubs, for our animals- rabbits, dogs, fish and turtle. Compassion is translated into actions- in classrooms whether online or physical. Every act of caring, every dusting, cleaning, sweeping is an act of compassion or can be. It has the potential to be an act of compassion. Shikshantar gives us an opportunity to make all our actions acts of compassion.

Co-existence or being inclusive is our third pillar. Our children understand coexistence because instead of being merely told about it in a “Moral Science” class, they have experienced and lived coexistence- through our animals (our two adopted dogs have never been chained and have access to all spaces, just like everyone else in school) and through each other. Not having a uniform is a way of experiencing coexistence. It is way of acknowledging the choices made by each child, and welcoming them with their own diverse identities. This acceptance of physical diversity then leads to accommodating different points of view- of opinions, of perspectives and of different socio-economic backgrounds. Doing all this together in Shikshantar is what makes it all sustainable.
Sustainability is our fourth pillar. Sustainable environmental practices are at the heart of Shikshantar. We are a green, breezy, non-ac school, where all your senses experience every season of the year in all its glory. We walk, dance and play in the rain; we experience the winter sun in our open lawns and balconies; we see the burst of colour and smell the freshness of the spring flowers. All elements of nature are savoured by us. But according to us, environmental sustainability is just the tip of the iceberg. The dictionary meaning of sustainability is- meeting your own needs without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. In Shikshantar, we live by this beautiful idea of sustainability. For us, sustainable energy is any energy, and as educators, it is the energy that we put into all that we do in Shikshantar.
These four pillars are a way of life for us in Shikshantar! 


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