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Best School in Gurgaon, Shikshantar School

  • Open and inclusive spaces that reflect openness to learning.
  • Enduring respect for children as thinkers and explorers.
  • Structures and processes ‘led’ by children, experiential education, collaborative work and skilful feedback.
  • Choices with a purpose that define children as individuals far more than their abilities.
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Parents Speak

“Phew- one full year for kids this age done online is no mean feat and has challenged all of us in various ways and the Didis more so. Our heartfelt regards, gratitude and appreciation to all the Didis and Bhaiyas.”

Amrita Gupta
Mother of Dheera Dasgupta Kalambi, Nursery

“It's been crazy this year and yet you have managed to shine so brightly :) Despite the major inconveniences, the disruption to your personal lives and the technical nags, you didis have emerged victorious. This year is personal on so many levels and I consider myself and my parent team so lucky to have educators like you. Your consistent patience and emotional engagement with the children is highly appreciated.”

Class II parent on online sessions (2020-21)

“We have no words to thank you all for taking such good care of our kids and keeping them in high spirits while I was recovering from covid.. Not having seen me for 20 days meant a lot to both emotionally and though we as a family tried to keep them in good spirits, efforts put in by all of you hold immense value for us and the kids. Something we will always remember. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

Hoping to see healthier times soon.
Stay well and healthy..
Sending good wishes to all of you..”

Nikkey M. Mehta and Mahipal Singh
Parents of Jaiveer and Amiara - Class VII

“Dear Didi
Thank you for all the kindness you display. You have been a safe place for our little ones to talk, to share and to be. Didi I am taking this opportunity to thank you for bringing Eid in discussion on Thursday. Kaalinda didn’t know about it and learning from you she dressed up on Friday, demanded her favorite food. Went on to hug people she loves, Thanks a lot!”

Mother of Kaalinda, Kindergarten

“Just a quick note to let you know that I loved the 'Reliving the moment exercise '. It has many great parts and association with Shikshantar. But the thing that most impressed me was that it started with almost 'blank page'; with minimum to no constraints around the answer. That meant that there was no perfect answer and my child was forced to think a lot more freely. Had minimum to zero validation if the answer she wrote was right or not. Which will eventually lead to her gaining more self confidence in using her mind and believing in herself. Although she still tries to validate, we usually answer with a pointer that will make her think harder. Keep more of these coming. “:)

Class II parent on a virtual experience facilitated (2020-21)

“The school should have intellectual copyright policies in place as classes are online now. All parents are appreciative of the hard work the teachers have put in. Children are happy too.”

Badrinath Krishnamurthy
Father of Veydant Badrinath, Class VII

“It was a marathon, but both our girls thoroughly enjoyed the corners. The desk is now full of newly made stuff, rattle, rocket butterflies, and the eye relaxing exercises by Shashi bhaiya. So much effort is put in by all the facilitators.”

Shruti Goel on Shikshantar Birthday in September 2020
Mother of Aarohi, Kindergarten

“Shikshantar's virtual Birthday celebrations went well. The children were so well prepared and confident with their roles. I am extremely grateful towards the didis for taking out the time and their patience with preparing the children so well. It was pleasing to see the children take the initiative as well with their own groups and they were pretty enthusiastic preparing for their whatsapp / zoom call meeting to practice their lines. In return the didi's also were patiently listening to their lines and correcting them where required. It does show the overall efforts put into making the day enjoyable for all. A big thank you to the Didis for making our children what they are today.”

Class III parent after the virtual Shikshantar Birthday celebration (2020-21)

“The study material and worksheets shared are very relevant and interesting. The worksheets are balanced in terms of distribution of subjective and objective exercises. They are truly exemplary.”

Mother of Sheen, Class VI

“Thank you for sharing your observations regarding Advay. It is heartening to see your personal involvement with each child and it also helps us in taking note of small things that Advay enjoys and likes to do. It has been an eye opener and a learning experience for us parents and caregivers as well.

We now focus on giving a wholesome experience to ourselves and to Advay. We hope we are able to do it as much as possible in the current circumstances and sincerely hope that children are able to enjoy each other's and your company, physically as soon as possible.

We are confident that this type of learning will help in building strong fundamentals for Advay.

Also, taking cues from your story telling and how much Advay enjoyed it, Nidhi started a half an hour online storytelling for Advay and his friends (including Raindrops). So far the children have been enjoying it. Wish you a happy and safe summer break.”

Kunal Gulati
Father of Advay, Playgroup

“Our heartiest congratulations to the school, all the teachers and the students. It was a beautiful presentation by all the children and the efforts put into every write up, riddle, poem, drawings and models was clearly visible. Listening to the students' presentations made us want to go back to school ourselves. Also it gave us a glimpse into all the hard work all the children and teachers put in every year to make this day so special. The last two weeks we felt like we had brought the whole of Shikshantar into our homes- the spaces, recollecting past instances, calling friends to discuss, the practices, the high energy levels, the buildup of excitement by the end culminated in today being a great success.

It was lovely to see the children working beautifully together as a team and not as individuals, supporting each other every step of the way. On one side, during these times of enforced social distancing with the children being forced to focus only on their individual studies since April , where this event brought the children together in a way, it also ended with a bit of melancholy with my child sharing with me with a sad smile- “Mumma I’m missing school a lot. Chatting with my friends whenever I wanted face to face in between classes, playing with my friends outdoors, the back-lawns, football.....” - the list was long.

With a hope that things get better real soon and these children can safely return back to what makes them most happy - being with each other in their Shikshantar family.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for being such a support for our children during these trying times and finding a way to connect with them even in a virtual mode. Kudos to you all”

Class IV parent after virtual Shikshantar Birthday celebrations (2020-21)

“A big heartfelt thank you to the entire faculty for all the effort in collating wonderful material for children to enjoy and stay connected with during this break

It's truly a great effort
Sachkrit has enjoyed going through the curriculum assignments and is going through the summer note with enthusiasm
All the best, please keep the love coming “

Supreet Kaur
Mother of Sachkrit, Class VI

“Mira's association with the word "Didi" has changed ever since she joined Shikshantar. She now finds it easy, relatable and convenient for her to connect with you both.
Even at home when we sing "Jungle Mein Do Sher..." she looks and says Didi most of the time. We are certain that these will be her most cherished moments as we together learn and grow in her world.
Heartfelt Regards to you both.”

Kiran and Parvathi
Parents of Mira Parvathi Kiran, Playgroup

“We appreciate didi's efforts and attempts to push each child according to their personalities. Thanks“

Class III parent on online sessions (2020-21)

“Thank you all working selflessly behind the scenes for the wonderful planning & execution of the classes. A phenomenal & commendable job indeed! Truly appreciate it.
Would like to share a small appreciation piece for all of you. Do share with everybody at Shikshantar including the Sports didis & bhaiya's who have shared such wonderful exercises (some of which we parents are also doing!)

With the whole COVID-19 situation, a lot of teachers are facing a very unique challenge.
No, it's not the saree challenge, nor its the motherhood challenge.
The challenge demanded that they go through digital transformation overnight.
Teachers said: Challenge accepted
(They hid their tech-fears behind a simple smile because children’s learning is at stake)
My appreciation grew leaps and bounds

The challenge demanded that they have to open their house for public viewing
Teachers said: Challenge accepted.
(They suppressed their inhibitions, foregone their privacy because children’s learning is at stake)
My appreciation grew even stronger.

The challenge demanded that they have to make do with limited or no resources.
Teachers said: Challenge accepted.
(They started working overtime to plan for teaching without any resources because children’s learning is at stake)
My heart is filled with appreciation, ready to burst.

The challenge demanded that they may not be paid their salaries.
Teachers said: Challenge accepted.
(They started worrying deep in their heart about their own families. But, they were undeterred because children’s learning is at stake)

The challenge demanded that they may need to teach while 30-odd parents are watching over their shoulder judging them for their every little move including but not limited to their voice modulation, pronunciation, grammar, knowledge, love & warmth.
Teachers said: Challenge accepted.
(It didn’t matter because the children’s learning is at stake)

I am speechless!
My appreciation and respect for these relentless fighters can’t be expressed in words. I want to salute all the gurus across the world who continued to take on the challenges that were piled upon them because children’s learning is at stake and they care!
Thank you all at Shikshantar for 'you care'.”

Mother of Arav and Avni, Class X

“Thank you, Prachi Didi and Aruna Didi for your keen and thoughtful observations. It’s been so nice interacting with both of you in the past month or so and I can see Meera really enjoys each class and looks forward to seeing you both and her friends every morning. Meera was listening to some of the stories and songs posted on the Class Material sheets and we came across Tuk Tuk went a little turtle. The moment she heard your voice she started asking me where you are and why she can't see you on the screen. She misses you both. Thank you for all the effort you put in. We really appreciate it.”

Mehak and Nikhil
Parents of Mira Bansal, Playgroup

“Please thank the didis and the bhaiyas for putting up such a lovely and well-coordinated performance. Kids are growing up so fast (touch wood), it was a pleasure to watch them be utterly confident and poised. Big, big hug to all the bachchas.“

Class III parent after Virtual Hamara Manch (2020-21)

“Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for all the efforts you are putting to spread positivity in these challenging times. These activity classes are actually awesomely mindful. These two hours with you both gave our child a lot of happiness and joy. She has something to look forward to each day.”

Class III parent after the virtual Mindfulness Programme experiences (2021-22)