Curricular Practices
Monsoon: Water and Rains
The month of July, with its overcast skies, carries the promise of rain. Our young children of Vanar Years eagerly wait for it to rain, especially during school hours. They look up at the sky to spot black clouds, “क्योंकि black clouds बारिश लाते हैं”. When rain-bearing clouds elude them, they participate in ‘Oorja’ exercises or play in Vanar Vatika during ‘Choice time’, despite the sultry weather. “दीदी देखो मेरा पसीना drip drop करके गिर रहा है।”
Across levels of Sprouting Seeds, Nursery, and Kindergarten, rain and water-related experiences are explored by children. Children look forward to jumping and getting their feet wet in the water puddles here and there. Friends of Nursery groups further explored ‘wet on wet painting’ using puddle water and paints. On another day, they relished eating bhutta, the first experience of eating it straight from the Bhuttawala Bhaiya for some of them.
When it does not rain, children also look for ways to experience the coolness of water. “Didi, if we sit in the sandpit we will feel cool”, “If you splish splash water on face, you will feel ठंडा ठंडा, just like it is raining”. Children recall their past experiences of rain and share about the sounds they have heard and creatures they have seen on a rainy day. Their discussions also lead them to valuing every drop of water and exploring ways in which they can save it. “मैंने teeth brush करते समय बहुत थोड़ा सा पानी खोला”, “Rain होगी तो मैं water collect कर लंगी और उसको drink करूंगी”.
But on the day that it does rain, nothing can hold our children back from playing in it. While most get wet with abandon by jumping in the puddles, some bring out their raincoats and umbrellas to take a walk around the campus and soak in the drenched surroundings. Some friends sit at an open door or window singing their rain songs while busy drawing or painting. Every moment spent in the rain is cherished by children and didi/bhaiyas.
The pre-primary day is designed to give each child space to reflect upon and assimilate her daily experiences. Children engage in small or large groups- working on projects; exploring toys, books or puzzles; conducting simple age-appropriate experiments; weaving and narrating stories. Small group interactions allow children to accommodate and share each other’s needs, resolve interpersonal conflicts and reach out to peers in need.
There is also opportunity for a child to be by herself when she so wishes; for exploring nature- tree climbing/nature walk/collecting twigs, seeds and flowers; for recognizing and and indulging her own preferences in Choice time. Every child gets one-on-one time with didis to facilitate any particular interest in learning or to address specific issues and concerns through dialogue and reasoning.
Children spend 45 minutes each day in the outdoors. The outdoor curriculum is designed to enable children to discover new aspects of their own agility, endurance, physical strength, mental strength, stamina and team spirit. A range of sport activities are organised each day to help children connect with their inner desire to stretch, climb, run, jump, fall and strive to discover new limits and new challenges. As children grow, new skills are acquired through a specific sports curriculum that is planned to keep the focus on age relevant physical capacities and potential.
Art, music and drama are an integral part of our curriculum. bi-weekly explorations in the Art Room and Music Room give children an opportunity to explore and experience new techniques and colour, musical instruments, rhythms and patterns. In the classroom, stories come alive as didis facilitate and encourage role-play, pretend play, story dramatization and free expression.