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  • Open and inclusive spaces that reflect openness to learning.
  • Enduring respect for children as thinkers and explorers.
  • Structures and processes ‘led’ by children, experiential education, collaborative work and skilful feedback.
  • Choices with a purpose that define children as individuals far more than their abilities.

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Second Open House Interaction - Class I
Second Open House Interaction Session for parents of Class I was recently held to collectively understand the integration of the ‘Three Principles of Learning’ and to nurture the process of natural unfolding of children’s knowledge. Circle time with group didis, and exploring different experiential corners enabled the parents to form an understanding and build linkages of the curricular experiences and our work with children in Shikshantar. Parents enthusiastically shared their understanding and observations that emerged from the hands-on experiences. Minoti didi further enriched their understanding of our philosophy and approach through the ‘Three Principles of Learning – ‘Nothing can be taught’, ‘The mind must be consulted in its own growth’ and ‘To work from the near to far’. It was an engaging and interactive session as the parents
reflected upon each principle in their engagement with children and exchanged their thoughts and experiences in small groups. The session culminated through a power point presentation of the glimpses of various curricular experiences of children. Through the discussions, emerged the ‘Shifts in Attitude’ from ‘product to process’ oriented learning and moving from ‘mistakes are bad’ to embracing ‘mistakes as helpers.’

Second Open House
Second Open House
Second Open House
Second Open House
Second Open House
Second Open House
Second Open House
Second Open House
Second Open House