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Best School in Gurgaon, Shikshantar School

  • Open and inclusive spaces that reflect openness to learning.
  • Enduring respect for children as thinkers and explorers.
  • Structures and processes ‘led’ by children, experiential education, collaborative work and skilful feedback.
  • Choices with a purpose that define children as individuals far more than their abilities.
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  • Registration Guidelines
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Registration Guidelines

  • While filling the registration, select the class you wish to apply for, from the drop-down list. The class should correspond to the age eligibility. If you are relocating from another town/city/country or for some special reasons, you feel that your child is eligible for a lower or higher class (Applicable to Class I & upward only) please submit form according to our age eligibility criteria and write a separate email explaining your case in detail. On the basis of your email, your application may be considered separately. All fields are mandatory. In case, the field is not relevant, please write NA.
  • Full Name of the student, Date of Birth, Permanent Address & Name of the Parents (First, Middle and Last) entered in the form should match the supporting documents like Date of Birth Certificate, Aadhaar Card, Voter ID Card, Passport, etc.
  • Please upload your child’s & both parents' recent passport size photograph. In the absence of the photograph, it will not be treated as a valid application.
  • Please identify one Parent as the Primary contact for receiving all School communication by SMS, E-mail notifications, or telephonic communication. (Not applicable for Single Parent/Guardian).
  • In case, you wish to receive communication on two Mobiles and Email IDs, you can add it in the preferred Mobile & email ID separated by a comma. While filling the registration, select the class you wish to apply for, from the drop-down list. The class should correspond to the age eligibility. If you are relocating from another town/city/country or for some special reasons, you feel that your child is eligible for a lower or higher class (Applicable to Class I & upward only) please submit form according to our age eligibility criteria and write a separate email explaining your case in detail. On the basis of your email, your application may be considered separately.
  • The submission of the registration form does not guarantee admission. The payment for the registration/processing fee amount is non-refundable.

Note :

  • The admission form may be filled by a single parent/legal guardian having sole custody and care of the child (supported by legally valid documentation).
  • In case of any change in marital status and/or change of communication details, it is the sole responsibility of parents to inform the school immediately of such change through a joint application signed by both parents with supporting legal documents reflecting such change.
  • For details related to admissions to Vishvas Click here
  • The school shall have the sole discretion to seek any further details/documents (if any) as required.