Shik'Run 2025
This year, we are excited to introduce the Shik’Run for Classes V and VI as a highlight of our Sports Day celebrations. Inspired by the vibrant spirit of spring, we themed our event around flowers that bloom in this season, weaving a connection between nature and our school spaces.
Shik’Run aims to foster essential life skills in our children, including fitness, time management, resilience, agility and perseverance. Over the past month, our students have been diligently training to build their stamina. We eagerly looked forward to this event celebrating our children's growth and endurance.
The children were in tremendous spirits, cheering as they hit the road after a warm up. The Sports bhaiyas, didis and parent volunteers matched the brisk pace that the children masterfully set, with the school’s entire support staff, Admin and Academic teams positioned strategically at water stations and medical stalls on the course from start to finish. Their enthusiasm was truly inspiring. The energy was infectious and the parents were invigorated to explore activities like kite making, yoga and creative movements.
Shik’Run strengthened students’ bonds with their physical being, overall health, fitness, and wellness. The event will go a long way in building a sense of connectedness between the school and local community.