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Best School in Gurgaon, Shikshantar School

  • Open and inclusive spaces that reflect openness to learning.
  • Enduring respect for children as thinkers and explorers.
  • Structures and processes ‘led’ by children, experiential education, collaborative work and skilful feedback.
  • Choices with a purpose that define children as individuals far more than their abilities.
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Sprouting Seeds - Admission Process & timelines for the School Year 2025-26

Stages Process Timelines Remarks
Stage – I Online Registration Process July 2024 Registration dates will be announced through the school website and Shikshantar Facebook page along with Advertisements in TOI and Hindustan Times.
Stage – II ‘School Introduction’ & Self-reflection Session To be scheduled from the 4th day of the start of Registration. The schedule will be communicated on the email IDs registered with the school. It will be a four to five hour process. The presence of both parents is mandatory. Parents ‘must’ attend the ‘School Introduction Session’ to qualify for Stage III.
Stage – III Parents & Child interaction To be scheduled within three working days from stage II Parents who attend the ‘School Introduction Session’ qualify for Stage III. Communication will be sent via email. The presence of both parents & child is mandatory.
Stage – IV Admission confirmation Will be informed within two working days of ‘stage III’ Communication will be sent via email. Online fee payment and uploading of documents required.
Stage – V Documents submission First week of August 2024 Communication will be sent via email. Presence of one parent is mandatory. Document Submission -- Please refer to the list below for mandatory items / documents required to be submitted at the time of Admission.